Motivation Advice - 4 Tips to Increase Your Motivation

Motivation can be increased whenever you need it. 
Here are 4 tips for gaining motivation.
1-Get inspiration. Motivation is easy to gain and maintain when you have inspiration. You need to have something that inspires you to do things that you would not normally do. Not only that you need to have a reason which drives you even when you feel tired or nervous. You need to be clear on what it is that you expect to get in return for the effort that you are going to expend. This will keep you motivated on an ongoing basis.
2-Write your goals. If you keep a list of goals before you then you will always have a plan for doing what needs to be done. It is easier to simply move from one written goal to the next, marking off each one as you complete them than it is to try to figure out your next move every day. Having a set of goals that you are attempting to hit keeps you on track. It gives you direction. You gain confidence and enthusiasm as you hit each goal. You will be motivated to keep the momentum going.
3-Create visuals. Find pictures of what it is that you want to obtain by hitting your goals. If you want a house, a leaner body or the ideal career then get a picture of it from magazines. Then post those pictures where you can see them often so they stay on your mind constantly. This will keep you motivated.
It's important to keep your goals in mind. Use goal cards and vision boards so that you can easily remember the reason why you need to take action.
4-Use motivation quotes. Motivational quotes can provide you with vast amounts of inspiration. When you read success quotes from famous people it helps you to focus on opportunities rather than problems. Most motivational quotes are positive and inspirational in nature. They keep you in a state of mind where you believe that you can do great things..
Read as many quotes as you can from people who you admire, like and respect. Search online to find quotes which apply to your dream and goals. Collect 5 to 10 good quotes and read them out loud everyday until you memorize them. These quotes will become a part of who you are and keep you motivated to hit your goals.